Almita spol. s.r.o.

Almita spol. s. r. o. is a small but flexible company from Havlíčkov Brod.

We have many years of experience and references especially in the automotive industry with our own development, construction and production of tools, molds, fixtures, single-purpose machines and all types of equipment, including service repairs and regular maintenance.

CNC machining

One-piece and small-batch production of engineering and form-demanding parts for various industries.

  • machined parts according to own design and development
  • machined parts according to the customer's documentation and 3D data
  • heat treatment of parts (hardening, nitriding with oxidation)
  • surface treatment (blackening, painting, galvanizing)
  • measuring including output protocol
  • CNC milling in three and five axes
  • CNC and conventional turning
  • 3D printing by FDM method
  • wire cutting and grinding

Preparations and tools

Complex development, construction, production and assembly of various types of fixtures and tools, including calibration and measurement output protocol.

  • mechanical fixtures including pneumatics, electronics and sensors
  • control, calibration and measuring fixtures
  • assembly and disassembly fixtures
  • welding fixtures
  • cutting and bending tools
  • shaping and pressing tools

Engeneering production

Technical solutions for industrial customers and their operations.

  • production and development of machines and machine equipment
  • welded load-bearing and auxiliary structures
  • assembled modular aluminum structures
  • conveyors, trolleys and handling equipment
  • protective covers and frames of machines
  • locksmith elements for industry


Seat and office:

Almita spol. s r.o. | U Traplů 3532
CZ- 580 01 Havlíčkův Brod
IČ: 28789725 | DIČ: CZ28789725

Bank details:

IBAN: CZ8601000001071345150287

IBAN: CZ50 0100 0001 2339 0623 0287

The company is registered in the Commercial Register kept by the Regional Court in Hradec Králové, Section C, Insert 27561/1

Business and management

+420 777 008

Head of production

+420 722 198

Control and 3D measurement

+420 777 627